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Promising Signs for Oil and Gas Exploration in the Owambo Basin, Onshore Namibia
Initial results at the Naingopo well drilled by ReconAfrica, the Canadian company listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange, have provided encouraging signs for oil and gas exploration in the Owambo Basin, even though this well may not be commercially viable. The discovery of a 50-meter reservoir with indications of oil in the Otavi formation is…
Read moreUpStream: Namibia seismic shoot flags up big structure with ‘billion-barrel’ potential
Read here Namibia seismic shoot flags up big structure with ‘billion-barrel’ potential Iain Esau Africa Correspondent London Privately owned Monitor Exploration has identified up to 11 exploration leads on a prospective licence onshore Namibia, where it plans to drill its first exploration well in 2025 or 2026. Petroleum Exploration Licence (PEL) 93 is located in…
Read moreInitial Interpretation of 2D Seismic in the Owambo Basin
Monitor, Operator of PEL 93 in the centre of the onshore Owambo Basin, Namibia, is pleased to advise that processing and initial interpretation of our 2024 2D seismic survey of 200 km has been completed. Initial results support our prior interpretation of prospectivity of up to 11 leads in our acreage with a total area…
Read moreCollaborative Agreement to Jointly Advance Exploration Efforts to the East of Our PEL
Exito Energy Resources (“Exito”) and Monitor Exploration Ltd (“MEL”), operating in Namibia through its subsidiary Mel Oil and Gas Exploration Namibia (Pty) Ltd (“MELN”), both holding neighbouring exploration licenses in Namibia’s onshore Owambo Basin, have entered into a collaborative agreement to jointly advance exploration efforts within Exito’s PEL 105 during its Initial Exploration Period. PEL…
Read moreContinued Support for Namibian Energy Sector and Sponsorship of Delegation to Angola Oil & Gas Conference
As part of our ongoing commitment to support the development of Namibia’s Energy sector, Monitor are pleased to announce that our company continues its declared contribution to the Training Fund of the Ministry of Mines and Energy of Namibia. This initiative is central to our efforts to enhance skills development and capacity-building within the sector.…
Read moreProgress on Our Namibian Exploration Journey
We are pleased to announce the successful completion of our planned 200 km vibroseis 2D seismic acquisition programme in PEL 93 in Namibia.
Read moreCommencement of 200 km of 2D Seismic Acquision, Owambo Basin
Commencement of 2D seismic acquisition program in the Owambo Basin, Namibia. The program has been designed to acquire a minimum of ~200-line km of 2D seismic data, with completion expected in Q3 2024. Acquired seismic data is to be used as part of the validation process for up to 10 independent structural closures identified from…
Read more2D Seismic Acquisition Award
Following an extensive tender procedure, Monitor has awarded the 2D seismic acquisition program of a minimum of 200-line-km to the Canadian company Polaris Natural Resources Development Ltd. Contract signature, expected before end May 2024, will be followed by immediate mobilization of crew and equipment. Acquisition is planned for July-August 2024, with in field processing providing…
Read moreMonitor sponsors Africa Global Energy Summit 2024 in London
And also this year Monitor will not miss the Africa Energies summit in London. It covers wide range of topics relevant to Africa’s oil & energy industry from upstream investment, and government promotion through to renewable energy opportunities. The event is held on May 14, 15 and 16, 2024. Monitor Exploration and Mel Oil & Gas…
Read moreDe-mining in course for 200 km 2D seismic
On May 5th, Week 2 of the De-mining work was completed. The objective of this operation is to secure safe work environment for the upcoming 2D seismic acquisition of 200 km.
Read moreInvitation to Tender for 2D seismic
In line with PEL 93’s exploration strategy and work program, in accordance with the Joint Venture partners, an invitation to tender has been sent out to selected bidders. The tender requests proposals for acquisition of a minimum of 200 line-km of low impact 2D seismic to add to vintage and the newly acquired 60 line-km…
Read moreMonitor successfully transferred 20% Working Interest to 88 Energy
As of February 19, 2024: Monitor successfully transferred a 20% Working Interest in PEL 93 (Owambo Basin) to 88 Energy, following approval by the Namibian Ministry of Mines and Energy. In this first stage of a 3-stage farm-in, 88 Energy will provide a carry of $3million to fund acquisition of a minimum of 200 line-km of low-impact 2D seismic,…
Read moreMonitor take part in FP Webinar on exploring onshore Southern Africa
We invite you to register for this Finding Petroleum webinar, lead by Robin Sutherland from Monitor, and David Bamford from Finding Petroleum. Save the date: Friday Feb 9, 1PM U.K., “Exploring onshore Southern Africa“. Finding Petroleum says: “Oil and gas development in the region would be good news because there is an energy and power…
Read moreApproval of First Renewal and New Partner 88 Energy
Moving Forward into First Renewal Exploration Period Monitor is pleased to announce that the Minister of Mines and Energy of Namibia Hon. Tom K. Alweendo has approved the First Renewal Exploration Period to October 2025 for our Owambo onshore licence, with a commitment of min. 200 km of additional 2D seismic acquisition at a minimum…
Read moreRevealing Insights: Initial Findings from the 2D Seismic Test. Uncover Structural Confirmations and Prospect Enhancements
First impressions of the data processing of the 2D seismic test survey, totaling 58 km. Line: MEL-OB-23-03 Line 3 – 19km During initial analysis, it is evident that Line 3 serves the purpose of confirming the westerly dip on the structure. The dip is clearly visible, although the precise magnitude is subject to…
Read moreFinance Manager
Monitor is pleased to announce that Constantine Tripodis BCom, Adv. Cert. International Tax, MBA, SAIPA, is joining us as Finance Manager to supervise our Namibian company, as it prepares for the next stages of its development . Costa is a professional accountant, resident in South Africa, having had early experience as an oil…
Read moreMonitor’s Successful Completion of 2D Seismic Test Unveils Promising Insights
We are pleased to announce the successful completion of the 2D seismic test survey in our PEL 93. The acquisition phase was expertly conducted by Polaris, a seismic contractor based in Canada. Two lines, specifically MEL-OB-23-03 and MEL-OB-23-10, were designed and acquired along existing tracks. The rationale behind selecting these test lines Line 3 (MEL-OB-23-03,…
Read moreEmpowering Tomorrow: Monitor Sponsors a Young Namibian Professional at the AOW in Cape Town
We are pleased to announce that Monitor has sponsored a young professional from Namibia to attend the Africa Oil Week (AOW) meeting in Cape Town, held 9-13 October 2023. Supporting the Next Generation in the Energy Sector The Africa Oil Week stands as an important event, uniting professionals, governments, and key stakeholders from across the…
Read moreWe are in London May 16-18 at the Africa Energies Summit
Also this year, Monitor will attend the Africa Energies Summit held in London, May 16-18, 2023. Robin Sutherland, our Senior Technical Advisor, will represent Monitor Exploration at the conference. We endorse the summit as it manages to create an international stage for Africa’s energy industry and promote African energy potential and opportunities. The spirit of…
Read moreMonitor actively promotes career development of young Namibians
As part of our corporate engagement to promote the career development of young Namibian professionals, Monitor continues to financially support individual training and courses upon request. This month, April 2023, Monitor provided the necessary funds for a Namibian female student to pursue a petrochemical training program of her choice at Nosa Samtrac and covered her…
Read moreRecon’s Operational update confirms Monitor’s potential
The recent Operational update from Recon Africa on April 3, 2023, confirms the very significant potential of the Owambo Basin, where their wells have proven a working petroleum system in the deeper Owambo play. This play is the primary focus of exploration in our PEL93, some 100kms to the West, with the 144sqkm structure interpreted in…
Read moreDamara fold play now recognised by Recon
ReconAfrica have now recognised the very significant potential of the Damara fold play, which manifests in our acreage as the southern thrust belt. While their description of structures of 5 km across and 40 km long is smaller than our AOI 00, which we estimate to be 11 km x 60 km, the anticipated reservoirs and other elements of the petroleum system are identical. Reservoir…
Read moreRobin Sutherland
Monitor’s Senior Technical Advisor Robin Sutherland has been appointed a Non-Executive Director at Invictus Energy, an independent upstream oil and gas company currently focused in Zimbabwe. Robin will continue his valuable work at Monitor as before, leading our exploration efforts in Africa. We wish Robin all the best with his role at Invictus.
Read moreRecon announces first results on Makandina 8-2 well
Recon’s latest announcement from Nov 9, 2022, regarding the results of the Makandina 8-2 well, including predominantly gaseous hydrocarbons seen in the well, clearly reinforce the thesis that the oil found in their first two wells was not sourced from the relatively small Karoo Rift Basin in this eastern area but from the deeper Owambo…
Read moreEnvironmental Clearance Certificate (ECC) is now issued
On 15 September 2022 the Environmental Commissioner at the Ministry of Mines and Energy of Namibia has signed the Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC). The ECC is the ultimate Government document which authorises the application of the already deposited and approved Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and the Environmental Management Plan (EMP) to run a 2D seismic…
Read moreMonitor to speak at the AOW next month
Also this year, Monitor is present at the Africa Oil Week held in Capetown, South Africa. Our company is grateful for this opportunity. Robin Sutherland will speak on October 6th – Thursday – at 12:00 am during the Prospect Forum. We look forward to meeting many senior delegates there, representatives of Governments and companies across the world,…
Read moreInitial Exploration Period extended
Today, Just 14th, 2022 the Ministry of Mines and Energy has positively assessed our timely request to extend the duration of our Initial Exploration Period, as the Covid-19 pandemic has significantly limited our ability to execute our business plan during the last two years. Monitor has been granted a 12-month extension. Now the Initial Exploration…
Read moreMonitor eagerly awaiting Recon’s 8-2 result
Monitor Exploration eagerly await news of the latest ReconAfrica well, where we see a reasonable chance of a discovery at this location in the Karoo rift. We anticipate good quality basal sands in the rift with access to oil charge from the main Owambo Basin and that seal quality will improve in this central rift…
Read moreOur neighbour Recon Africa is ready to spud the first of four wells drilling plan
Our neighbour ca. 100/200 km to the East – ReconAfrica – will imminently spud its debut wildcat onshore Namibia according to the company’s announcement from June 22, 2022. They are targeting a prospect that could hold 800 million barrels of oil in place and what is the first of a four-well exploration campaign in this…
Read moreMonitor presented at the AAPG on 7-9 June 2022 in Namibia
Robin Sutherland – Monitor’s Exploration Director – was excited to present Monitor at the AAPG in Windhoek, Namibia, which was held on 7 – 9 June 2022. Here are his slides about Monitor’s main exploration project in the Owambo basin, onshore north Namibia.
Read moreEnergy Voice article on Namibia’s oil and gas outlook. Interview with Monitor
Following the exciting announcements of Venus-1 (Total) and Graff (Shell) offshore Namibia, the market is showing increased interest in the country’s onshore exploration. While onshore oil and gas investments have marked a worldwide decline in the recent years, this may well be the world’s last prospect region and Monitor has set its foot here since 2018,…
Read moreTechnical Advisory Meeting: March 2022
A Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) virtual meeting took place on March 23, 2022, with the purpose of revising Monitor’s work undertaken in the past 2 years and update the Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME) and NAMCOR, who partner with 10% in the licence. Both MME and NAMCOR expressed their satisfaction in Monitor’s progress and…
Read moreCommunity Engagement meetings
Monitor recognizes the importance of the Community engagement as an integral part of our exploration programme in Namibia. It is our goal to establish a long-term relationship with the community leaders and residents throughout the life-time of our work in the country. As part of this commitment, in March 2022 Robin Sutherland from Monitor traveled…
Read moreCommencement of EIA and EMP for seismic operations
Monitor closed 2021 by commencing the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Environmental Management Plan (EMP), engaging Risk-Based Solutions (RBS) of Dr. Sindila Mwiya and his team. Upon completion, Monitor will be granted a clearance certificate, mandatory for onshore Namibia, for conventional seismic operations over PEL 93. We expect to obtain this authorization by May-June 2022,…
Read moreAfrica Energy Week in Capetown 2021
Africa Energy Week Cape Town 09-12 November Meet Robin Sutherland there Robin Sutherland will attend this important event for Africa on behalf of Monitor Exploration. It is a great opportunity to meet new and old friends from the Industry. You can pick up our MEL postcards at the event. The event is from the 9…
Read moreAdditional G&G to our data package
Etosha 5-1 ST-1 750km of 2D seismic To continue de-risking of our three AOIs, MEL has decided to purchase additional data from Namcor. This includes the well data over Etosha 5-1 and ST-1 as well as 2D Seismic lines for a total of 750 km, in addition to the seismic lines which we have purchased in…
Read moreMonitor at the Africa Oil Week in Dubai
AOW 2021: We will be there Monitor will take part in the Africa Oil Week in Dubai this year. We will make a presentation of our onshore opportunity to investors as part of the Farmout Finance Forum on November 11th. Our partners from Pioneer Oil and Gas will be present in the Dubai and will…
Read moreLet’s mingle in London this week
We are there! Andrew Shrager, Simon Ashby-Rudd and Chris Baxter from Monitor Exploration will be attending the Africa E&P summit this week. It is a great opportunity to meet you in person. Give Andrew, Simon or Chris a call or an IM on Whatsapp at the numbers provided at the bottom of our Homepage to have a coffee at the breaks. Our postcard for…
Read moreWatch us on Finding Petroleum on July 16th
Monitor is invited to present its compelling exploration story in North Namibia, close to the licence of Recon Africa Energy, who has been making headlines recently. The webinar is called Finding Petroleum and is organised by David Bamford. The leading title this Friday goes “Is There Oil In Southern Africa?” and aims to address probably…
Read moreSimon Ashby-Rudd joins as Corporate Advisor
MEL is pleased to announce that Mr Simon Ashby-Rudd has been appointed as Corporate Adviser. Simon has over 30 years of banking and advisory experience to the Energy Sector, including most recently with Standard Bank of South Africa where he built and ran the Oil, Gas and Renewables team that focused on funding the sector…
Read moreRobin Sutherland: valuable adjoining to MEL
As of June 2021, MEL is pleased to welcome to its team Robin Sutherland. In his experience, he has held a variety of technical and leadership roles in African oil and gas, joining the highly respected Energy Africa team in 1997 and leading Tullow’s exploration team through the discovery and appraisal of the Jubilee and…
Read moreSecond strat well spudded by our neighbour
On May 5th, 2021, our neighbour Recon Africa has announced to have spudded its second strat well, according to company’s operating plan. This well, named 6-1, is drilling to a target depth of 3,800 meters (12,500 feet). “The 6-1 well is designed to evaluate the petroleum systems discovered in the first well (6-2) in an…
Read moreOur Neighbour Confirms Working Petroleum System
Our Neighbour Confirms Working Petroleum System 15 April 2021 MEL notes that Recon Africa has announced that the results of its first stratigraphic well results for its licence area onshore in the North East of Namibia have established clear evidence of the presence of a conventional working petroleum system in the Kavango basin. “The well…
Read more2D seismic in Q3 2021 by our neighbour Recon Africa
Recon Africa has announced that the company will acquire 450 km of 2D seismic data in the Kalahari Desert of North East Namibia. The subsequent interpretation will be tied to the currently ongoing three-strat-wells-drilling-program. The proposed seismic survey will be conducted along existing roads and tracks. Vis-à-vis MEL, the technical work done so far over our…
Read moreIs This The Hottest Oil Play Of The Year?
Is This The Hottest Oil Play Of The Year? By Cliff Shrew Jan 14, 2021 dedicates an article on the current hotspot for oil and gas onshore exploration, namely North Namibia. Oil Experts See Huge Potential Wood Mackenzie, the most trusted name in oil and gas resource assessments, states that the target…
Read moreStay in touch with the industry despite Covid-19
This year Africa E&P summit was held as a webinar, due to Covid-19’s restrictions. MEL did not miss to chance to participate also this year. Of particular interest to MEL was the May 14th webinar on Namibia’s Oil & Gas Future. We had the opportunity to hear from Maggy Shino, the country’s Petroleum Commissioner. The…
Read moreOil & gas onshore Namibia. Monitor looks for an industry partner
Check out this article by our director Andrew Shrager on LinkedIn. Share your comments if you’d like under the article. Read article here
Read more“Exploration Namibia in the spotlight again”-GEO ExPro Magazine
Read moreCompleted passive seismic spectroscopy study
MEL had commissioned to Geodynamics WorldWide, GWW, an Italian provider specialised in passive seismic for hydrocarbon exploration and other non-invasive methods, to carry out a passive seismic spectroscopy study over some perspective areas over 1717 and 1817, which were identified based on the acquired g & g data for the area. MEL received the results…
Read moreOur Workshop in Windhoek, Namibia
We enthusiastically endorsed the MME’s invitation to hold a 2-day-technical-workshop in Windhoek, Namibia, for the Namibian professionals at NAMCOR and MME. It took place in June 2019. The workshop was guided by our Senior Scientist, Michele Armano, PhD. His presentation had an accent on the technical aspects ,challenges and outcome of the passive seismic spectroscopy…
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